Friday, October 12, 2007

Of Al Gore and the IPCC

I quite enjoyed watching "An Inconvenient Truth!" I will say that it was well made, with some Hollywood lines thrown in for good measure... like the opening line, for example... "I am Al Gore. I used to be the next president of the United States!"

The following comment from a news article is thought provoking though...
Piers Forster from the School of Earth and Environment at England's University of Leeds said in a statement: "It's every scientist's dream to win a Nobel Prize, so this is great for myself and the hundreds that worked on their reports over the years. It's perhaps a little deflating though — that one man and his PowerPoint show has as much influence as the decades of dedicated work by so many scientists."


Ocean said...

This is a comment from an editorial in The Hindu:

However,the efforts of the scientists might not have made the world wake up to the perils of global warming if a protagonist with a powerful voice had not stepped forward to convey the message. With his name-recognition and political skills, Mr.Gore fitted the bill admirably.

Kappa said...

Hmmm... debatable still :)

Unknown said...

To add to the rant :)

This quote irked me :(

The two men spoke on the phone after the announcement.

"This is Pachy... I am certainly looking forward to working with you. I'll be your follower and you'll be my leader," Dr Pachauri said.

what a eminent scientist is to follow a ppt expert

Kappa said...

Ha ha! True :)

Good to hear from you dude :) Thanks for stopping by!